
How To Prepare For El Nino

El Niño has arrived and it has brought its characteristic heavy rains with it. Here a few tips to keep in mind to prepare for El Nino. Even though it has already begun, it is never too late to take precautionary steps that can prevent damage to your property or injury to yourselves.


Clean Out Your Rain Gutters

In an area that is not used to having heavy rainfall, we may neglect our rain gutters. This usually means
buildup of dead leaves and other organic debris settles in them. The backup of these gutters may seem like a minor worry, but if they do overflow, this presents a serious water damage threat to your home. Prepare for El Nino by cleaning out those gutters and preventing water damage!


Create A Water Capture System


While El Niño conditions can present many problems, there is a silver lining to these rainclouds. In the wake of our current drought, these rains may offer some relief. Now is the perfect time to set up a system to save rainwater for later use watering your lawns, house plants or gardens. We can use this abundance of water for our water conservation needs year-round. To prepare for El Nino and utilize all of nature’s free water, consider installing rain barrels in your backyard! Rain barrels are relatively inexpensive and can be found at your local home improvement store.


Stock Up On Emergency Supplies

Simple emergency supplies can be crucial during these severe weather conditions. It is important to have first aid kits and any important documents ready for possible evacuation. Aside from that, the most common problem presented by these storms is power outages. Be sure to have candles, flashlights, camping lanterns, and maybe a standby/backup generator if one is available. Always use caution with standby generators as many are gas powered, but they may be the secret to keeping your household up and running despite t
he downpour.

Use Sandbags

Sandbags may very well be the most important thing to have on hand. Place them strategically around your property where it is known to flood to help keep the water out. Flood damage can be difficult to repair. Utilizing sandbags can prevent serious property damage and save you from losing belongings and money in the long run.

Don’t Forget About Your Car! 

detail of an oldtimer

While it is important to take safety precautions in your home, it is just as crucial to do so in your vehicle. Take time to clear out any excess junk, make sure your tires are at the right pressure and that their tread is not worn. One of the most significant precautions to prepare for El Nino is to check your windshield wipers constantly. They should be always replaced and in good condition before any rainfall. Stock up on any emergency items you may need and remember to keep your gas tank and your car battery full.


While these rains are much needed, make sure you prepare for El Nino with the resources we have to offer at 3D Environmental. If water damage finds you this winter, don’t hesitate. Give us a call!


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